Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I do love this day . I realize it's a made up holiday
mostly for marketing. But I love LOVE.
Today I went the extra step for Chuck.
I guess it's a day where 
it's fun to celebrate yr love.
In the dead of winter,
when all we have seen is bare trees and a frozen ground for months
it's nice to take a break from 
all of winters frustrations
and remember 
to appreciate and respect our beloved.
This morning we woke up early.
drove out to chuck's parents house
his mom & i worked on a jig saw puzzle 
as chuck's dad changed his oil.
We watched a little t.v with them
then left and went on a 
wonderful sunny sunday
country drive.
it was so beautiful and I kept thinking what it would be like 
to live out in the wild
to have free land to romp and run about it.
to explore new trails each day.
hike up high in the hills.
I love the country.
We got a heart shaped pizza pie!
took it home and munched on that.
yum yum!
we curled up on the couch and snuggled the rest of the day
left with an evening of bubble baths & wine 

enjoy your love day


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I've never seen scars like yours..

It's just way too bad,
now you're worse than sad,
all locked up there inside.
And I don't know how you feel,
but I'll make you a deal if you make it out alive.
My shoulders and ears are all yours my dear.
I hope it comes as no surprise.
You've been known to say that you're a.o.k.
when you're feeling sick inside.
I just want you to know
I've got no place to go until the day you die.
While you're waiting, be thankful for you fingers.
I'll be fading with the colors of your pictures.
"I'm not crying wolf", you whispered,
"I'm really dead this time... I'm really dead this time."

What am I supposed to do?

I have a girlfriend that I have tried tremendously to
be there for. I have tried to help her with all of her issues and
i have tried so many times to show her, her selfworth.
I have been hurt by her so many times throughout our years.
I always thought of her as my best friend,
my sister.
I don't have many girlfriends. 
a select few that have been wishy-washy towards me.
I have a best friend that I met only a few years ago.
This girl has been nothing but nice to me
never have we fought.
we haven't always agreed on everything,
but we always handled ourselves I would say,
with a lot of grace.
We both found each other at a time in our lives when we
intensely needed a friend.
To pull each other out of the deep holes we had dug ourselves in.
I am so thankful for her to have helped me and
in turn I know I've helped her !
She's moved to Michigan a year ago
but we still talk and visit each other.
Now this other friend,
I have given birthday gifts to her when
I had absolutely no money to spare.
she never took them with her.
she's blown me off, ditched me
and I finally feel like where I am at a point in my life
I have got to get rid of this negativity in my life
Do I stop being her friend?
It's a constant struggle with her
I have put forth so much time and energy towards trying to
help her...but you have got to want to help yourself.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

2010 Welcomed me with an amazing month...

2010, I have welcomed it with open arms!

"Every passing moment is another chance to turn it all around."
I use this quote a lot. because I  feel it applies to my life , a lot.
I find myself running around .
rambling on in circles.
that's when I look inward.

This month has been amazing.
It's been unrelentingly frigid...
with some hot cocoa,
Butters & Charles by my side I've kept warm :)
We absolutely love our new home.
I enjoy doing the laundry, doing dishes.
all the tedious chores I used to hate..
I love feeling the warmth of a happy home.
I felt a displacement with myself in 2009
and I am closing the door to that chapter .
I had never been as suspicious and paranoid as I have in '09
my view on life used to be very free and happy
i have always had my little quirks and issues..
I am really finding happiness by
learning to let go
I forced chuck & myself to do some early spring cleaning
I figure, with a new home.
you need a fresh start.
So declutter yr living spaces and enjoy the ease it leaves you!
I purge my closet. a lot..I need to though.
 I have collected so many trinkets, clothing, decorative scarves, etc .
over the years. Especially from working at Goodwill.
I used to say, "maybe, eventually I will use this!!"
We have given away over 15 bags of clothing, shoes , housewares, furniture.
I've seen some extremely poor families in the Qc while working at the ole' goodwill
and I know the struggles they have to deal with.
I feel like giving away nice things of mine is just exactly what I want to do.
I am an absolute down right true lover of fashion.
( i used to think it was so lame & nonsense to enjoy something like fashion
but its a passion of mine!)
I love sharing pieces of my style with others!
I have an overall resolution for myself this year.I never really
intended to create. It kind of just emerged at the beginning of January.
subconsciously I have just been healthier in what I eat &drink.
I'm really happy right now.
loving my days....
winter night walks
but I am yearning for some warmth!

An open road & the sun warms my face.
Our country cruises make me love winters attributes!

Look at that kitty yawn! (caught that at the riiiight moment! hehe if you look closely you can see her itty-bitty-teeny-tiny front teeth. they are like the size of a pin-head!)
she's mama's girl.