Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I do love this day . I realize it's a made up holiday
mostly for marketing. But I love LOVE.
Today I went the extra step for Chuck.
I guess it's a day where 
it's fun to celebrate yr love.
In the dead of winter,
when all we have seen is bare trees and a frozen ground for months
it's nice to take a break from 
all of winters frustrations
and remember 
to appreciate and respect our beloved.
This morning we woke up early.
drove out to chuck's parents house
his mom & i worked on a jig saw puzzle 
as chuck's dad changed his oil.
We watched a little t.v with them
then left and went on a 
wonderful sunny sunday
country drive.
it was so beautiful and I kept thinking what it would be like 
to live out in the wild
to have free land to romp and run about it.
to explore new trails each day.
hike up high in the hills.
I love the country.
We got a heart shaped pizza pie!
took it home and munched on that.
yum yum!
we curled up on the couch and snuggled the rest of the day
left with an evening of bubble baths & wine 

enjoy your love day


1 comment:

  1. :)
    Happy to see you blogging again!
    Glad you two enjoyed your V-day!! :)

    ..I have dreams of the wild, too!!
    Did you see the movie "Into the Wild"
    It's a goodie!
